Concept Technical Group is a small business without an IT department and I rely entirely on Brad to keep my systems up to date and protected. I trust his judgement implicitly and make decisions regarding upgrading and protection (security) based on his recommendations. Because Concept doesn’t have anyone on staff that can fix problems as they arise, we frequently communicate with Brad via email or over the phone to solve issues until he can make an “in office” visit. His ability to communicate with “less than computer literate” personnel when under the gun is comforting to say the least. This security blanket has gotten us out of several jams! Included in his service to me was a move of my office which included upgrades to hardware, software, network, communications, etc. and we were up and running first thing Monday morning after a weekend move. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Brad for any computer hardware or software projects because if he doesn’t understand the problem, he always knows where to go to get the answers necessary to resolve any issues.