Having trouble deciding when to make that new electronics purchase? Whether it be a computer, projector, camera or a phone, P3C Technologies can help you.
First off – know the trends and do a little bit of research. When does a vendor announce its new products? This is a very good time to buy previous year’s model and save some money. Also, shop around: Amazon.com; tigerdirect.com; buy.com; newegg.com usually have the best prices on computer equipment and electronics.
Need some more help?
Try visiting decide.com
Decide.com is a price history and decision engine based on statistics and product research. They claim to have a 77% accurate prediction on when to buy at best price saving folks an average of $54 / product in their inventory of product types that they track. Their engine predicts fairly accurately when prices will drop or when a new model of that type is coming out again soon.