We have two computer tips for you this week:
1.  Have you upgraded to Windows 10?  The free Windows 10 upgrade is expiring July 29th.  Contact us if you need help upgrading.

2.  In our work with homes and small businesses, our customers often ask us how their computers get infected.

According to a study by security firm Proofpoint, Social engineering became the top attack method in 2015 for beating IT security, replacing hardware and software vulnerabilities. This makes it even more important to learn how to react to these types of threats.  We can help you with customized training tailored for your specific needs. Contact us today for more information on our training programs! help@p3ctech.com or call 262.423.6267 x888

This Week’s Video Computer Tip: How Computers Become Infected


Meet Amy (our new office geek)

  • Enjoys working on websites and social media
  • Likes to try out new techie gadgets/toys
  • Determined to solve problems
  • Working toward CompTIA A+ certification
  • Positive attitude to get things done
  • Earned a Bachelor of Science in Cross-Categorical Special Education at UW-Oshkosh
  • Maintains certification in Adult Basic Education and English Language Learners
  • Loves humor, jokes and just wants to have fun
Click on Amy’s Funny Technology Videos»

Watch today’s youth try the original Nintendo