Time for another email phishing example folks! What is phishing you say? Well, I’m not talking about going to the cabin up north to catch some fish…I’m talking about scammers trying to use your own technology against you thru con artistry: Often,...
Just recently, we received a request for help from a client. The client was being very diligent and suspicious of incoming emails in her spam bin. This was a particularly tricky one which used the client’s own email address in the spam email to make it look...
You may have seen the news today. Criminal hackers have released a new strain of ransomware that spreads itself automatically across workstations in a network, causing another ransomware scare across the globe. Experts believe the ransomware was first distributed via...
Several years ago, P3C Technologies started offering cloud hosting services with an impressive suite of products by OS33. This firm is the same company that provides cloud hosting to Fidelity Investment Services and other major corporations in the US. The product is...
This article is just a heads up for anyone out there who is currently using the Microsoft Windows Vista Operating System. Microsoft has officially discontinued support for Windows Vista as of April 11, 2017. What does this mean? As of April 11, 2017, Windows Vista...